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Signal Plan Locator - Help - Plans

Help for Search Box Page 
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Help for Signals Page 
2 - Signals
Help for Plans Page 
3 - Plans


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The plan page gives you a preview of all the plans available for a signal. The top of the page contains general information about the signal and its plans. You can get to the map for the location of the signal by clicking on the Maryland Icon. Bellow this area, every row shows the details of one plan.
Help for Plans page 
DETAILS: In this area some of the information may be available for one plan but not the other. You will only see the headings for the ones that are available. The following is the list of the type of information you may see in this area:

Plan Date - The date recorded on the actual plan.

Revision - From time to time the design for a location undergoes a revision. These revisions are recorded in an alphabetical fashion. Revision C signifies a more recent design than revision B. There may be additional changes within a revision in which case you may see B1, B2, ....

Plan Type - The following represent the abbreviation for all plan types:

IC - Interconnect
PL - Plan
ST - Structure
SC - Schedule
DE - Detail
IN - Index
SS - Steel Supports
AB - As Built 

Plan ID - Each plan has a unique ID number that you can use to refer to in your communication with us or any one else.

Signal No. - Signal Plan Locator keeps track of signal plans by TS Number. However there are other systems in SHA that use a different number. This is usually a 10 digit number (like 03016601.75). In this example 03 represents Baltimore County (see the list bellow). 166 represent route MD166 and 01.75 is the mile point on MD166. This is the pattern for all numbers of this type.

1 - AL = Alegany
2 - AA = Anne Arundel
3 - BA = Baltimore
4 - CA = Calvert
5 - CO = Caroline
6 - CL = Carrol
7 - CE = Cecil
8 - CH = Charles
9 - DO = Dorchester
10 - FR = Frederick
11 - GA = Garrett
12 - HA = Harford
13 - HO = Howard
14 - KE = Kent
15 - MO = Montgomery
16 - PG = Prince Georges
17 - QA = Queen Anne's
18 - SM = St. Mary's
19 - SO = Somerset
20 - TA = Talbot
21 - WA = Washington
22 - WI = Wicomico
23 - WO = Worcester

Designer - Designer name listed as abbreviation or just first name.

Sheet Number - If the information in the plan extends beyond one sheet, each sheet would have a sheet number.

TIMS - TIMS (Traffic Information Management System) is a unique tracking number that is assigned to each project by the Traffic Engineering Design Division of the Office of Traffic and Safety.

Contract - Contract number for the project.

Raster File - The raster file for each plan is made available to you in .tif format so you can use it as a reference in MicroStation. Simply RIGHT click on this link and choose the save option.

Description - Sometimes there is a brief description available about a plan that gives you the specific conditions affecting the design.

PLAN: To view a larger signal plan in a new window, simply click on this image. If you are connected to internet via modem, you might experience some delay in opening or downloading plans. These PDF files can be as large as one megabyte. To save the file you can either RIGHT click on the image and choose Save Target As option or save it after opening. PDF readers have panning and zooming capabilities. That will allow you to better navigation the plan after opening the file. If you would like to compare specific parts of several plans, you may open each separately, zoom to the desired area, resize and place the windows next to each other for comparison.
LAST DATABASE UPDATE: For security reasons the files and data available to you is only a copy of the original. We update this system periodically and here you can see the last time it was updated.
HELP: The Help button will bring you to this page. In each of the other pages, the Help will bring you to the relevant area of the Help pages in Signal Plan Locator.
NEW SEARCH: This will take you back to the Search Box. If you just came from there, and wish to retain your entries, you may use the back button on your browser instead.


707 North Calvert Street Baltimore, Maryland 21202