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BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 21202          
February 19, 2016          
Contract No.: PG1755170          
F.A.P. No.: AC-HP-NHPP-G-121-1(35)N          
Description: MD 5 at Brandywine Road and           
MD 373(Accokeek Road) Interchange           
Phase 2          
ADDENDUM NO. 5          
To All Purchasers of Contract Documents:          
Please be advised that the Bid Opening date for this contract is still being POSTPONED from           
February 25, 2016 to March 10, 2016.          
The attention of prospective bidders is directed to the following revisions, additions and/or           
deletions to the Invitation for Bids booklet and Contract Plans.          
Page No. Description          
1A-1B ADDED Notice to Contract “CARGO PREFERENCE ACT (CPA)”.          
18-27 REVISED Contract Provision “AFFIRMATIVE ACTION REQUIREMENTS           
57-61A REVISED Special Provision “NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR”.          
62A-B ADDED “Stormwater Management and Sediment & Erosion Control Approval”.          
62C ADDED “Maryland Reforestation Law Approval”.          
96A-G ADDED “Corps of Engineers Individual Permit Modification”.          
114A-F ADDED MDE Nontidal Wetlands and Waterways Permit Modification.          
119-121 REVISED Special Provision “TC-7.09 – PRICE ADJUSTMENT FOR DIESEL           
241A ADDED Special Provision “SECTION 509 – GRINDING ASPHALT           
263A-B ADDED Special Provision “SECTION 600 – PIPE RAILING”.          
INVITATION FOR BIDS BOOKLET (continued)          
Page No. Description          
271-273 REVISED Special Provision “SECTION 700 – TREE PRESERVATION           
274-275 DELETED these pages.          
396-403 REVISED Special Provision “SECTION 876 – WATER MAIN           
412-417 REVISED Special Provision “SECTION 901 — AGGREGATES”.          
435A-D ADDED Special Provision Insert “SECTION 915 –PRODUCTION PLANTS”.          
469A-C ADDED Special Provision Insert “SECTION 924 – COLD PATCH           
518A ADDED “SOIL BORING LOGS” as Appendix A.          
521 REVISED Contract Provision “STATE OF MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF           
582-624 REVISED Contract Provision "PROPOSAL FORM PACKET - FEDERAL".          
Note: Due to numerous additions, deletions, and revisions and to ensure clarity, the           
Schedule of Prices has been replaced in its entirety. For your convenience the new           
Schedule of Prices has been posted on the eMaryland Marketplace Website at           
https://emaryland.buyspeed.com/bso/, under “Open Bids”, under “Public Works, Park           
Equipment, and Construction Services”, and under the associated “Bid Number” and           
“Alternate ID”.          
Page No. Description          
522-581K The Schedule of Prices has been replaced in its entirety.          
Sheet No. Description          
1 ADDED revisions to “TITLE SHEET.”          
REVISED the limit of work end stationing for MD 5 from STA. 635+00 to STA.           
ADDED consultant signature block.          
2 REVISED “INDEX” to denote sheets changed in Addendum No. 5.          
6 DELETED the sidewalk on the right side of the roadway on the typical section for           
Spine Road.          
7 REVISED the MD 5 Southbound Mainline beginning station from STA 973+14           
to STA 979+00 and the end station from STA 635+00 to STA 633+00.          
9 REVISED the MD 5 Northbound and Southbound superelevation tables.          
18 DELETED Settlement Plate 3 (SP-3), proposed micro-bioretention ponds, and           
curb & gutter on future park and ride expansion south lot.          
REVISED the Instrumentation Locations chart to remove SP-3 information.          
24 REPLACED detail sheet in its entirety.          
25 DELETED detail sheet in its entirety.          
30 REVISED the elevations for the MD 5 Southbound edge of barrier in the           
Elevation view.          
REVISED and ADDED note referring the 42” ‘F’ Shape Concrete Traffic Barrier           
Bifurcated from 1’6” to 4’ 0” to 42” ‘F’ Shape Concrete Traffic Barrier           
Bifurcated from 0” to 1’ 6”.          
REVISED the Standard Number in the Section C-C view.          
REVISED Dimension D in the Median Barrier Dimensions chart.          
32 REVISED the concrete joint layout near STA 758+25 RT due to the revisions to           
the south park and ride lot entrance.          
REVISED the dimension from 12’ to 15’ at STA. 757+15 LT & RT.          
42 REVISED the limit of work on MD 5 Southbound from STA 973+16 to STA           
CONTRACT PLANS (continued)          
Sheet No. Description          
42 DELETED the grinding and resurfacing from STA 973+16 to STA 979+00.          
REVISED the quantity note for Grind Asphalt Pavement 0-2 inch.          
REVISED the quantity note for 6 Inch Perforated Circular Pipe Longitudinal           
Underdrain for the Southbound Exit Ramp so it begins at the limit of full depth           
paving at STA 820+14.          
DELETED the full depth paving from STA 984+35 to STA 984+77 LT.          
43 DELETED the full depth paving from STA 984+77 to STA 985+30 LT.          
DELETED the full depth paving from STA 986+50 to STA 987+85 LT.          
DELETED the full depth paving from STA 989+30 to STA 993+83 LT.          
ADDED a note stating the above listed deletions on the plan sheet.          
44 DELETED the sidewalk from STA 755+35 to STA 755+50 RT.          
REVISED the quantity note for 5 inch concrete sidewalk.          
DELETED full depth paving from STA 993+83 to STA 994+00 LT.          
DELETED full depth paving from STA 1001+00 to STA 1002+83 RT.          
DELETED full depth paving from STA 2597+78 to STA 2598+18 LT.          
DELETED full depth paving from STA 2600+08 to STA 2600+70 LT.          
45 DELETED full depth paving from STA 1002+83 to STA 1012+75 RT.          
REVISED full depth paving from STA 1012+75 to STA 1012+96 RT.          
REVISED dimensions at STA 1012+75 RT.          
DELETED full depth paving from STA 2605+48 to STA 2606+15 RT.          
REVISED full depth paving from STA 2606+15 to STA 2606+60 RT.          
DELETED full depth paving from STA 2606+60 to STA 2612+38 RT.          
REVISED dimensions near STA 2606+50 RT.          
CONTRACT PLANS (continued)          
Sheet No. Description          
45 ADDED a barrier transition for a light pole foundation from STA 846+60 to STA           
847+00 LT.          
46 REVISED the quantity note for 42 Inch F Shape Concrete Median Barrier           
Bifurcated 0” to 1’6”.          
ADDED quantity note for Concrete Median Traffic Barrier Transition at New           
Light Pole at Accokeek Road.          
47 REVISED full depth paving from STA 1012+96 to 1014+58 RT.          
REVISED dimensions at STA 1013+26 and STA 1014+58.          
48 REVISED the limit of grinding on MD 5 Southbound from STA 635+00 to STA           
REVISED the limit of grinding on MD 5 Northbound from STA 635+00 to STA           
REVISED the quantity note for Grinding Asphalt Pavement 0-2 Inch.          
REVISED the limit of full depth paving from STA. 202+95 RT to STA. 204+08           
RT and revised the cut fill line.          
REVISED the Limit of Work box.          
50 REVISED the fill line between ES 14-1 and ES 14-2.          
ADDED Note 3 to describe grading.          
51 REPLACED plan sheet in its entirety.          
52 CHANGED the limit of work box stationing for MD 5 Southbound from STA           
973+16 to STA 979+00.          
REVISED the MD 5 Southbound vertical alignment from STA 975+74.58 to STA           
66 DELETED “SPECIAL NOTE”, G2-1(1) and G2-1(3) signs.          
67 REVISED Phase 1 Stage 4, Note G and Phase 1 Stage 4, Note H.          
68 REVISED Shading from STA 2588+50 to STA 2588+70 LT.          
CONTRACT PLANS (continued)          
Sheet No. Description          
74 REVISED Sheet to reflect updated grading and drainage revisions on south           
parking lot.          
75 REVISED Phase 2 Stage 2, Note B.          
REVISED Phase 2 Stage 2, Note F.          
REVISED Phase 2 Stage 3, Note G.          
REVISED Shading from STA 819+55 to STA 820+15.          
76 REVISED Shading from STA 825+00 to STA 828+00.          
77 REVISED Shading for center island of Accokeek Road, from STA 836+47 to           
STA 843+25.          
78 REVISED Shading for island of Accokeek Road, from STA 845+10 to STA           
79 REVISED Shading from STA 316+00 to STA 323+05.          
80 REVISED Shading from STA 323+05 to STA 328+95.          
REVISED Shading for center median, from STA 631+50 to STA 631+75.          
82 REVISED Sheet to reflect updated drainage revisions on south parking lot.          
DELETED “WAIT PERIOD” shading for south side of park and ride lot.          
83 REVISED Phase 3 Stage 3, Note G.          
REVISED Phase 3 Stage 3, Note H.          
REVISED Phase 3 Stage 3, Note I.          
REVISED Phase 3 Stage 3, Note J.          
REVISED Phase 3 Stage 3, Note K.          
REVISED Phase 3 Stage 3, Note L.          
DELETED Phase 3 Stage 3, Note M.          
85 REVISED Shading from STA 1001+00 to STA 1002+80.          
CONTRACT PLANS (continued)          
Sheet No. Description          
86 REVISED Shading from STA 1002+80 to STA 1012+95.          
ADDED “SEE NOTE 3” leader at STA 1006+15.          
ADDED Note 3 to “NOTES”.          
87 REVISED Shading from STA 1012+95 to STA 1015+05.          
90 REVISED Sheet to reflect updated drainage revisions on south parking lot.          
DELETED “WAIT PERIOD” shading for south side of park and ride lot.          
91 DELETED Shading from STA 984+35 to STA 984+70.          
REVISED Phase 4, Note F.          
92 DELETED Shading from STA 984+70 to STA 985+30.          
DELETED Shading from STA 986+50 to STA 987+85.          
DELETED Shading from STA 989+30 to STA 993+85.          
93 DELETED Shading from STA 993+85 to STA 994+00.          
ADDED Removal Pattern from STA 2594+00 to STA 2602+00.          
98 REVISED Sheet to reflect updated drainage revisions on south parking lot.          
DELETED “WAIT PERIOD” shading for south side of park and ride lot.          
102 ADDED Full Depth Pavement shading from STA 2606+15 to STA 2606+60.          
ADDED Note with leader on plan.          
104 REVISED Shading from STA 202+95 to STA 204+08.          
ADDED Shading from STA 625+50 to STA 629+00, RT.          
ADDED Note with leader on plan.          
106 REVISED Sheet to reflect updated configuration of Park and Ride Lot and           
Drainage Pipe Revisions.          
109 REVISED Sheet to change Mix 2 Concrete to Mix 3 Concrete in weir details.          
CONTRACT PLANS (continued)          
Sheet No. Description          
118 REVISED Park and Ride Grading and Layout.          
REVISED Grading Between ES 14-1 and ES 14-2.          
119 REVISED SWM Design.          
DELETED SWM Facility Design Table.          
REVISED Proposed Grading.          
REVISED Park and Ride Layout .          
ADDED Inlets I 15-15 and I 15-14.          
128 REVISED size and type of pipe at the outfall of Grass Swale 9.1 to 17” X 26”           
129 REVISED ESDv Facilities Dimensions Table.          
138 DELETED All POI 15 SWM Facility As-Built Tables.          
139 DELETED All POI 15 SWM Facility As-Built Tables.          
147 ADDED Inlet 14-16 to Profile Flows and Velocities on Stormdrain Profile I 14-16 to           
ES 14-1.          
148 ADDED Stormdrain Profile I 15-15 to MH 15-2.          
DELETED Stormdrain Profile I 15-11 to MH 15-2.          
DELETED Stormdrain Profile I 15-6 to MH 15-1.          
REVISED Flows and Velocities on Stormdrain Profile HW 15-1 to EW 15-1.          
152 REVISED Q10 and V10 from EW 13-2 to I 13-18, EW 13-2 to ES 13-2 and ES 13-          
3 and I 13-17.          
REVISED size and type of ripe from EW-9-1 to EW 9-2 to17” x 26” HDPE.          
154 ADDED Stormdrain Run from I 14-16 to I 14-15.          
CONTRACT PLANS (continued)          
Sheet No. Description          
154 DELETED Stormdrain Run from I 15-6 to MH 15-1.          
ADDED Stormdrain Run from I 15-15 to MH 15-2.          
REVISED size, type and remarks columns in the Pipe Schedule for EW 9-3 to EW           
9-1 and EW 9-2 to EW 9-1.          
REVISED 42” RCP from MH 15-3 to MH 15-2 to 105 LF.          
REVISED 29”x45” HERCP from HW 2-1 to MH 2-1 to 149 LF.          
REVISED 34”x53” HERCP from MH 2-1 to EW 2-1 to 116 LF.          
155 DELETED Stormdrain Structures from I 15-6 to I 15-1.          
ADDED Stormdrain Structures I 14-16, I 15-14, and I 15-15.          
REVISED Headwall and Endsection Schedule remarks for EW 9-1, EW 9-2 and           
EW 9-3.          
REVISED I 2-1 to be Modified 72” MH.          
ADDED Class I Excavation Quantity Table.          
157 REVISED Section 12 Site Information - Area Disturbed, Area to be Roofed or           
Paved, Total Cut, Total Fill, Section 14 Modifications - LOD areas.          
158-159 REVISED sequence of construction and LOD areas.          
sheets EN-04 through EN-09 on its entirety.          
166A REVISED LOD. REVISED the area of the riprap layout.          
166B DELETED random line from existing grading file.          
167-168 REVISED LOD.          
170 REVISED Weir Length from 40 ft to 42 ft.          
172 DELETED random line from existing grading file.          
REVISED the limit of work end stationing for MD 5 from STA. 635+00 to STA.           
CONTRACT PLANS (continued)          
Sheet No. Description          
173 REVISED pipe label from 3’X1’ BOX CULVERT to 17”X26” HDPE.          
175 REVISED grading, riprap pattern and LOD.          
REVISED ESC design for updated drainage design.          
REVISED super silt fence schedule.           
REVISED ED 108-1 callout for type from “A-2” to “B-2”.           
175A REVISED grading, riprap pattern and LOD, REVISED ESC design for updated           
drainage design.          
175B DELETED random line from existing grading file.          
176-177 REVISED LOD – REVISED layout to show underdrain at micro-bioretention           
181 DELETED random line from existing grading file.          
REVISED the limit of work end stationing for MD 5 from STA. 635+00 to STA.           
182 REVISED pipe label from 3’X1’ BOX CULVERT to 17”X26” HDPE.          
183 REVISED ED 108-1 callout for type from “A-2” to “B-2”.          
184 REVISED grading, riprap pattern and LOD.          
REVISED ESC design for updated drainage and roadway design.          
REVISED super silt fence schedule.          
ADDED MSIP schedule.          
REVISED ED 108-1 callout for type from “A-2” to “B-2”.          
185-186 REVISED LOD – REVISED layout to show underdrain at micro-bioretention           
187 DELETED SSF 209-2 callout and REVISED LOD.          
CONTRACT PLANS (continued)          
Sheet No. Description          
188-189 REVISED LOD.          
190 DELETED random line from existing grading file.          
REVISED the limit of work end stationing for MD 5 from STA. 635+00 to STA.           
191 REVISED LOD and pipe label from 3’X1’ BOX CULVERT to 17”X26” HDPE.          
193 REVISED grading, riprap pattern and LOD.          
REVISED ESC design for updated drainage and roadway design.          
ADDED super silt fence schedule.          
194-195 REVISED layout to show underdrain at micro-bioretention facilities.          
196 REVISED LOD.          
ADDED “SEE NOTE 3” callout for full-depth paving area.          
197 REVISED LOD.          
ADDED “SEE NOTE 9” callout for full depth paving area.          
198 REVISED LOD.          
ADDED “SEE NOTE 3” callout for full-depth paving area.           
199 DELETED random line from existing grading file.           
REVISED the limit of work end stationing for MD 5 from STA. 635+00 to STA.           
200 REVISED pipe label from 3’X1’ BOX CULVERT to 17”X26” HDPE.          
202 REVISED grading, riprap pattern and LOD.          
REVISED ESC design for updated drainage and roadway design.          
CONTRACT PLANS (continued)          
Sheet No. Description          
203-204 REVISED layout to show underdrain at micro-bioretention facilities.           
203-204 REMOVED LOD and “SEE NOTE 3”.          
205 REMOVED LOD, “SEE NOTE 3” callout and Note 3 stating “STABILIZE           
MINIMUM OF 4 INCHES OF G.A.B.”.          
DELETED SSF 209-2 callout and REVISED LOD.          
REVISED layout to show pavement removal.           
206 REVISED layout for roadway design changes.          
REVISED callout numbers.          
207 REVISED layout for roadway design changes.          
208 DELETED random line from existing grading file.           
REVISED the limit of work end stationing for MD 5 from STA. 635+00 to STA.           
209 REVISED pipe label from 3’X1’ BOX CULVERT to 17”X26” HDPE.          
211 REVISED grading, riprap pattern and LOD.          
REVISED ESC design for updated drainage and roadway design.          
212-213 REVISED layout to show underdrain at micro-bioretention facilities, REVISED           
to show roadway design changes.          
214 REVISED to show roadway design changes.          
CONTRACT PLANS (continued)          
Sheet No. Description          
214 REVISED drainage area to MIP 603-1.          
215 REVISED to show roadway design changes.          
UPDATED drainage area to MIP 604-1.          
216 REVISED to show roadway design changes.          
217 REVISED LOD.          
ADDED “SEE NOTE 8” callout and note 8 stating “STABILIZE ROADWAY           
INCHES OF G.A.B.”           
DELETED random line from existing grading file.           
REVISED the limit of work end stationing for MD 5 from STA. 635+00 to STA.           
218 REVISED pipe label from 3’X1’ BOX CULVERT to 17”X26” HDPE.          
219 REVISED cut/fill line.          
220 REVISED grading, riprap pattern, cut/fill line and LOD.           
REVISED ESC design for updated drainage and roadway design.          
REVISED drainage area to CIP 609-1.          
ADDED drainage label I-15-13.           
REVISED CIP schedule.          
REMOVED SIP AND SSF call outs and schedule.          
221 REVISED Tree Protection and Furnished Topsoil and Soil Stabilization Matting           
REVISED Turfgrass Establishment.          
REVISED Furnished Topsoil 4” Depth.          
CONTRACT PLANS (continued)          
Sheet No. Description          
221 REVISED Tree protection fence.          
REVISED Landscape Plant Schedule for Turfgrass, Tree protection fence, and           
Furnished Topsoil 4” Depth.          
222 REVISED Tree Protection and Furnished Topsoil and Soil Stabilization Matting           
REVISED Turfgrass Establishment.          
REVISED Furnished Topsoil 4” Depth.          
REVISED Landscape Plant Schedule for Turfgrass, and Furnished Topsoil 4”           
223 REVISED Tree Protection and Furnished Topsoil and Soil Stabilization Matting           
REVISED Turfgrass SOD and Turfgrass Establishment.          
REVISED Upland Shrub Establishment.          
REVISED Furnished Topsoil 4” Depth.          
REVISED Furnished Subsoil 18” Depth.          
REVISED Type D SSM Schedule.          
REVISED Tree protection fence.           
REVISED Reforestation with Upland Meadow Establishment, Reforestation with           
Upland Shrub Establishment, and Revegetation with Upland Shrub Establishment.          
REVISED Landscape Plant Schedule for Turfgrass SOD, Turfgrass, Furnished           
Topsoil 4” Depth, Furnished Subsoil 18” Depth, Tree protection fence.          
224 REVISED Tree Protection and Furnished Topsoil and Soil Stabilization Matting           
REVISED Turfgrass SOD and Turfgrass Establishment.          
REVISED Furnished Topsoil 4” Depth, and 2” Depth.          
REVISED Type “A” Soil Matting in between SGW 5-1 and Roadway.          
CONTRACT PLANS (continued)          
Sheet No. Description          
224 REVISED Tree protection fence.           
REVISED Landscape Plant Schedule for Turfgrass SOD, Turfgrass, Furnished           
Topsoil 4” Depth, and 2” Depth, Type “A” Soil Matting, and Tree protection fence.          
225 REVISED Tree Protection and Furnished Topsoil and Soil Stabilization Matting           
REVISED Turfgrass Establishment.          
REVISED Furnished Topsoil 4” Depth.          
REVISED Furnished Subsoil 12” Depth.          
REVISED Reforestation with Upland Meadow Establishment.          
REVISED Landscape Plant Schedule for Turfgrass, Furnished Topsoil 4” Depth,           
and Furnished Subsoil 12” Depth.          
226 REVISED Tree Protection and Furnished Topsoil and Soil Stabilization Matting           
REVISED Turfgrass Establishment.          
REVISED Furnished Topsoil 4” Depth.          
REVISED Tree protection fence, Tree Root Pruning, and Tree Broadcast Fertilizing.          
REVISED Landscape Plant Schedule for Turfgrass, Furnished Topsoil 4” Depth,           
Tree protection fence, Tree Root Pruning, and Tree Broadcast Fertilizing.          
227 REVISED Tree Protection and Furnished Topsoil and Soil Stabilization Matting           
REVISED Turfgrass SOD.          
REVISED Furnished Topsoil 4” Depth, and 2” Depth.          
REVISED Landscape Plant Schedule for Turfgrass SOD, 4” Depth, and 2” Depth.          
228 REVISED Park and Ride Lot ESD, Tree Protection, and Furnished Topsoil and Soil           
Stabilization Matting notes.          
REVISED Turfgrass SOD and Turfgrass Establishment.          
CONTRACT PLANS (continued)          
Sheet No. Description          
228 REVISED Furnished Topsoil 4” Depth.          
REVISED Type D SSM Schedule.          
REVISED Tree protection fence.           
REVISED Reforestation with Upland Meadow Establishment, and Reforestation           
with Upland Shrub Establishment.          
REVISED Shredded Hardwood Bark Mulch 3” Depth in ESD Plant Schedule.          
REVISED Landscape Plant Schedule for Turfgrass SOD, Turfgrass, Furnished           
Topsoil 4” Depth, and Tree protection fence.          
229 REVISED Tree Protection, and Furnished Topsoil and Soil Stabilization Matting           
ADDED 5 Pinus virginiana.          
REVISED Turfgrass SOD and Turfgrass Establishment.          
REVISED Furnished Topsoil 4” Depth, and 2” Depth.          
REVISED Type “A” Soil Matting.          
REVISED Type D SSM Schedule.          
REVISED Tree protection fence.          
REVISED Landscape Plant Schedule for Minor Deciduous Trees, Pinus virginiana,           
Turfgrass SOD, Turfgrass, Furnished Topsoil 4” Depth, and 2” Depth, Type “A”           
Soil Matting, and Tree protection fence.           
DELETED all ESD related plantings, and Minor Deciduous Trees.          
230 REVISED Park and Ride Lot ESD, Tree Protection, and Furnished Topsoil and Soil           
Stabilization Matting notes.          
REVISED Reforestation/Revegetation Master Plant Schedule.          
REVISED Reforestation/Revegetation Planting Requirements.          
REVISED Reforestation/Revegetation Schedule.          
CONTRACT PLANS (continued)          
Sheet No. Description          
230 REVISED Park and Ride Lot ESD Plant Schedule.          
REVISED Master Landscape Plant Schedule for all revisions on sheets 221-229.          
REVISED all ESD related plantings from sheet 229.          
301 REVISED tie in location (STA 979+00) for MD 5 SB proposed pavement           
markings, and revised sign locations.           
305 REVISED tie in location (STA 633+00) for MD 5 NB proposed pavement           
markings, and revised sign locations.           
310 REVISED pavement markings based upon updated parking lot geometry.           
REMOVED all associated pavement markings with the south side of the parking           
lot. Revised signs accordingly.          
317 REVISED quantities based upon addendum plan updates.          
318 REVISED code no. 23 description.          
319-320 REVISED quantities based upon addendum plan updates.          
321 REVISED light pole schedule.          
322 REVISED Schedule of Panel B (Park and Ride Lot Lighting).          
330 REVISED cable run from lighting cabinet to park and ride parking lot.          
331 REVISED lighting plan to reflect the removal of the park and ride parking lot.          
331A ADDED new sheet for median barrier transition at light pole detail sheet.          
345-353 REVISED sheets to match Index of Sheets sequence.          
354 REVISED the quantities for the park and ride lots, NB Entrance Ramp and           
Brandywine Road.          
355 REVISED the grading table and summary of earthwork for the Southbound Exit           
357 REVISED the common borrow quantity for the Spine Road.          
CONTRACT PLANS (continued)          
Sheet No. Description          
357 REVISED the class 1 excavation and common borrow quantities for MD 5           
REVISED the class 1 excavation and common borrow quantities for MD 5           
REVISED the total class 1 excavation, select borrow and total common borrow           
Note: The attention of prospective bidders is directed to the following pen and ink changes. The           
Contractor is directed to the make the following pen and ink changes to the contract document.           
Corrected sheets will not be provided.          
Sheet No. Description          
22-34 CHANGE Drawing No. “DS-01 thru DS-13” to “DE-01 thru DE-13”.          
338 CHANGE NOTE from “Sta. 1+43 INSTALL NEW 24 INCHH HORIZONTAL           
STANDARD DETAILS W/2.4 AND W/2.5”.          
344 CHANGE NOTE 12A “INSTALL A LINE STOP AT STAT. 33+74 (OFFSET 127’           
STAT. 37+74 (OFFSET 127’ RIGHT ON THE EX. 24” WATER MAIN BY THE           
The following questions were received from plan purchasers. The responses are provided for           
clarification to all bidders in bold after the questions:          
Q30: Bid Item 8002 reads 48” steel casing (per plans). Please advise. Do we bid 48” or 30”?          
A30: See page number 569 of the new Schedule of Prices provided with this addendum.          
Q31: Bid Item 8004 54” steel casing; should be 48” steel casing (per plans). Please advise.           
Do we bid 54” or 48”?           
CONTRACTOR QUESTIONS (continued)          
A31: The plans are correct. See revised description of Bid Item 8004 on page 569 of new           
Schedule of Prices and revised Special Provision from WSSC provided with this           
Q32: Please clarify the location of bid item 8048, Cut & Cap Ex.42” Water. I cannot find it           
on the WSSC plans. Also need a detail of WSSC standard number.          
A32: Bid item 8048 incorrectly references the cutting and capping of an ex. 42-inch           
water. See revised description of Bid item 8048 on page 576 of new Schedule of           
Prices and revised Special Provision from WSSC provided with this addendum.          
In addition, a new item, Bid Item 8134, has been added for the Cutting and           
Capping of the Ex. 16” Water. Location and detail is provided on plan sheet 341           
Q33: Who is responsible for the testing per General Note 23 on plan sheet 332, the cover           
sheet of the WSSC plans, the contractor or SHA?          
A33: Compaction testing is listed as part of the unit price for all items referring to pipe           
installation as stated in the Special Provision “Section 876 – WATER MAIN           
RELOCATIONS”. Therefore, it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to           
secure the expertise of a Geotechnical Engineer, licensed in the State of MD, to           
perform the testing to the satisfaction of WSSC’s Inspector per revised Special           
Provision “Section 876 – WATER MAIN RELOCATIONS” provided in this           
Q34: There isn’t a bid item for new sanitary manholes per the spec on page 397.          
A34: Sanitary manholes are paid under Bid Item 8053 as indicated in the Special           
Provision on page 397. See the revised Special Provision “Section 876 – WATER           
MAIN RELOCATIONS” provided in this addendum.           
Q35: Item 1049, Type E TBET, 65 MPH, was added. There already was an item for this          
work, Item 1043. Please clarify and review quantity cause 1049 is 5 each and 1043 is 4           
A35: Deleted Bid Item 1049 in this addendum. Type E TBET, 65 MPH is paid under           
Bid Item 1043, quantity has been revised from 4 to 5 Each in this addendum.          
Q36: Item 7020, Construction of Planting Beds was added. There was already and item for           
this work, Item 7016. Please clarify.           
A36: Deleted Bid Item 7016 in this addendum. Construction of Planting Beds is paid           
under Bid Item 7020. See revised quantity on page number 568 of the new           
Schedule of Prices provided with this addendum.          
CONTRACTOR QUESTIONS (continued)          
Q37: The answer to Q4 in the addendum says that Item 4011 is deleted by Addendum 1, but           
there isn’t a new page in the schedule of prices that shows that item being deleted.           
Please clarify.          
A37: Bid Item 4011 was deleted as part of Addendum No. 4.           
Q38 The answer to Q1, n, says that bid item 3073 is for “Pea Gravel”. Item 3073 is No.2           
Aggregate. Please clarify.          
A38 No. 2 Aggregate is correct as shown in Item 3073 description. As shown on the           
Submerged Gravel Wetland detail sheet 108 (SWM-02), Pea Gravel and No. 2           
Aggregate are identical. The Pea Gravel referenced in the legend on sheet 121           
(SWM-15) and Sheet 130 (SWM-24) represents No. 2 Aggregate.           
Q39: The answer to Q1, o, says that the Clay for Core is bid item 3088. In the Schedule of           
Prices, Item 3091 was added by this addendum for the Clay Core.          
A39: Addendum No. 1 letter incorrectly stated The Clay Core is paid under Bid Item           
3088. The clay core is paid under Bid Item 3091 which was added to the contract           
in addendum No. 1.          
Q40: On page 9 of the addendum, the “Decreased” quantity for bid item 7005 is 128,699 sy.           
In the Schedule of Prices for Item 7005, the quantity is 128,669 sy. Which is correct?           
Please clarify.          
A40: Bid Item 7005 has been revised. See page number 569 of the new Schedule of           
Prices provided with this addendum for updated quantity.           
Q41: On page 13 of the addendum, the “Increased” quantity for bid item 8078 is 144 each.           
In the Schedule of Prices for Item 8078, the quantity is 177 each. Which is correct?           
Please clarify.          
A41: Bid Item 8078 has been revised due to Addendum No. 5 revisions. See page           
number 581 of the new Schedule of Prices provided with this addendum for           
updated quantity.           
Q42: The answer to Q13 says that item 3076 is to be used for the “unperforated” quantity           
and that item 3057 is to be used for the “perforated quantity. Bid item 3057 is for 6”           
Circular Pipe Underdrain Outlets which is NOT perforated pipe. Please clarify.           
A42: Item 3076 is for unperforated (solid) underdrain pipe used in the SWM Facilities           
for cleanouts and observation wells. The larger quantity of Item 3057 is           
perforated underdrain pipe use for SWM facilities only, not for the roadway.           
CONTRACTOR QUESTIONS (continued)          
Q43: The answers to Q7 and Q8 in Addendum No.1 refer to details that were added to Plan           
Sheet DD-01. This plan sheet was not included in Addendum No.1 and is blank in the           
original set of plans. Please clarify.          
A43: See Plan Sheet 143 of 378 (DD-01) for the Modified Type H Endwall and Modified           
K Inlet details referred to in Addendum No. 1. This sheet was provided as part of           
Addendum No. 3.          
Q44: In the description of the changes to the Contract Plans on page 19 of the addendum, it           
states that plan sheets 332-353 were revised to add “approver signature”, but the           
remaining utility plans, 354 to 378, not listed in the addendum, were also re-issued as           
part of Addendum No.1. What are the changes to these plan sheets?          
A44: The utility plan sheets start at page number 332 and end at page number 353           
NOT at page number 378, see Index of Sheet (INDX-01).          
Q45: The wage rate decision that is included in the Proposal for this project appears to be old           
and is considerably different than the decision included in the recently advertised           
project PG 6185170. Please provide current wage rate decision that will be applicable           
to this project.          
A45: The wage rate was updated as part of Addendum No. 4.          
Q46: We have been unable to find the 17”x26” HDPE elliptical pipe as shown in Bid Item           
4001. ADS, a HDPE manufacturer, have sent us the attached letter concerning this           
pipe. Their engineers have told them that they cannot make this material. Will the SHA           
consider using elliptical RCP as an alternate to this pipe since there doesn’t seem to be           
an elliptical HDPE pipe?          
A46: The Administration has used this material in previous contracts. The pipe           
material has been manufactured and the structures fabricated, transported and           
installed according to the specifications provided as part of Addendum No. 1.           
Q47: We have reviewed the contract documents and believe that there is geotechnical          
information missing in order to properly price the wick drain scope. We request that           
the MD-SHA release the full geotechnical investigation for the project.Specifically, on           
plan sheets SB-07 to SB-21, we note that no SPT “N-values” were provided on the           
borings. This data must have been collected to establish the consistency/density           
provided. No soil laboratory test results were included in the tables. Again, we have to           
assume some testing was performed in order to complete the design. Lastly, we note           
that numerous borings stopped prior to the specified wick drain tip depth. Although           
some interpretation could be applied between borings it cannot be known with           
certainty the total depth of compressible material. There has to be more information in           
order to specify the wick drains as they are shown on the plans.          
CONTRACTOR QUESTIONS (continued)          
A47: Soil boring logs and foundation boring test data are added in Addendum No. 5.           
See Appendix A and Appendix B.          
Q48: Please provide WSSC blocking details for the 24” and 30” pipes as the standard details           
from WSSC only go up to 16” pipe size.           
A48: For Blocking Detail for 24” and 30” Ductile Iron Pipe (DIP) see Detail A on Sheet           
343 (UT-12 of 22).          
Q49: How are the removals and abandonments of the existing water lines and appurtenances           
paid? I don’t see any bid items for this work?          
A49: The existing water mains should be abandoned in place. The abandonment of the           
existing water lines shall be considered incidental to their respective replacement           
line item. See revised Special Provision “SECTION 876 – WATER MAIN           
Q50: On sheet 13 of 22 of the water main betterment plans note 12A of water mains west of           
MD 5 it says install a line stop at sta.33+74 on Ex 24” main. I believe that this is an           
existing 16” main. Can you please confirm the pipe size.          
A50: Note 12A incorrectly references Sta. 33+74. Refer to the Pen & Ink Section of this           
letter, the line stop should be set at Sta. 37+74 offset 127’ right. The existing pipe           
in this area is 24” cast iron.          
Q51: Same column on page 13 of 22. Note 13A, can the line stop be placed in the existing           
24” PCCP pipe near station 2+20 by the thrust block? This would eliminate a           
considerable amount of bypass line needed in note 13D as well as the connection of the           
3 house services. Is there a specific reason that the bypass is set up to be this long &           
connect to the houses that are off the lob limits?           
A51: WSSC does not allow for existing PCCP water mains to be tapped or cut. Line           
stop has therefore been placed on the existing cast iron pipe. Bypass is required           
since Accokeek Road only source of water is the existing 24-Inch Water connected           
to MD 5.          
Q52: Can we get a plan sheet that shows the exact location of Valve V020 at the Owings           
Ave/Accokeek Rd intersection? Currently the plan sheets do not cover that area.          
A52: A plan has not been created for this intersection as no proposed water main is           
being installed at that intersection, WSSC’s WERI website provides information           
on how to obtain the existing water plan record.           
Q53: How will the line stops & the bypass system be paid?          
CONTRACTOR QUESTIONS (continued)          
A53: Under the measurement and payment section of WSSC standard specifications           
section 02510, temporary water service is incidental to installation of the water           
Q54: Under what item is the reinforced soil slope detailed on sheet 21 paid? Item 2006 is a           
cubic yard item for the unclassified excavation for this work, however the           
specifications on page 159 note that this work is to be paid for by the vertical square           
A54: The reinforced soil slope is paid under Bid Item 2014, according to Special           
Provision Section 200 – Reinforced Soil Slopes in the IFB book. This Bid Item           
added into the contract in addendum No. 1.           
Q55: What work is to be included under pay item 4011, Retaining Wall?          
A55: Bid Item 4011 was deleted as part of Addendum No. 4.          
Q56: Please confirm that we are to use the unit prices noted on page 187 of the specifications           
for bid items 3063 and 3064.          
A56: The unit prices noted on page 187 of the specifications are for Bid Item 3063 and           
Q57: Under what items are the wick drains detailed on plan sheets 18 and 19 paid?          
A57: The wick drains are paid under Bid Item 3081, according to Special Provision           
Section 316 – Wick Drains in the IFB book. This bid was added into the contract           
in addendum No. 1.           
Q58: Structures ES-13 to I13-16 on Plan Views show 14”x23” HERCP and Profile Shows           
18” RCP. Please clarify.          
A58: EW 13-2 to I 13-16 is an 18” RCCP as shown on plan sheet 45 (PS-04), profile           
sheet 152 (DP-09), and drainage pipe schedule sheet 154 (DS-01).           
Q59: Please provide bid items and details for 3’x1’ Box Culverts.          
A59: There is no 3’x1’ box culvert in the contract. The 3’x1’ box culverts were           
replaced with 17”x26” HDPE pipe. See Sheet Nos. 274 and 275 of 378 for details           
and Bid Item 4001. The plan sheets which refer to the 3’x 1’ box culvert have           
been revised as part of Addendum No. 5.          
Q60: Pipe run I5/11 to 15/2 is not shown on the plan view. Please provide location.          
CONTRACTOR QUESTIONS (continued)          
A60: Inlet I 5-11 outfalls to EW 5-2 as shown on plan sheets 44 and 45. I 5-2 outfalls to           
EW 5-2 as shown on plan sheet 45. I 15-11 to MH 15-2 is shown on plan sheet 51.           
Inlet I 15-2 is part of the pipe run from I 15-6 to EW 15-1 shown on plan sheet 51.          
Q61: Profile of I/27to ES/24 shows 18” RCP. The plan view shows 24” RCP. Please clarify.          
A61: The pipe is 18” RCCP as shown on plan sheet 112 (SWM-06), profile sheet 145           
(DP-02), and pipe schedule sheet 154 (DS-01).           
Q62: Please confirm location of bid item 4001.          
A62: See Sheet Nos. 274 and 275 of 378 for bid item 4001.          
Q63: Please provide abutment sections for locations where there are no support columns at           
Abutment B.          
A63: The Abutment section without support column is not shown because it is the same           
as Abutment B-Reinforcement Section B-B, without the support column, see Sheet           
No. 242 of 378 for details.          
Q64: Abutment B – Section BB shows a construction joint with a keyway in stone. Please           
clarify. The same section has a note stating that an area depicted as stone is across           
beam support column. Please verify.          
A64: The keyway is not in the #57 stone backfill but inside the cross beam support           
column. See Sheet No. 242 of 378, Abutment B-Reinforcement Section B-B.           
Q65: Upon performing a site visit it appears that the drawings do not accurately depict the           
existing conditions. On Brandywine Road between Stations 3620+00.00 to 3622+50.00           
there is a new Fire Station. The entrance of the Fire Station may be in conflict with the           
proposed alignment. Also it appears that the existing condition of the water and sewer           
service for the station may not be reflected on the drawings either. Please verify.          
A65: SHA is aware of the new site development at the Fire Station and will make any           
necessary adjustment during construction.          
Q66: The following questions are from our Line Stop subcontractor for water line stops:          
a. What is the class of the existing DIP?          
b. What is the pressure in the existing water lines?          
c. What is the flow in the existing lines?          
d. What type of sleeve is required? (normally the industry uses a Stop fitting           
complete with completion plug and blind flange. Standard fittings are shop coated           
carbon steel and have carbon steel hardware.)          
CONTRACTOR QUESTIONS (continued)          
A66: a. The existing 30” ductile iron is class 50.           
b. The maximum working pressure is 75 psi.           
c. Currently the maximum flow is 1.0 MGD. If still in service in 2 to 3 years the           
maximum flow is predicted to be 6.0 MGD.           
d. Please provide clarification on what sleeve(s) you are referring to.          
Q67: What size is required for the temporary by-pass water line?          
A67: For the size of the temporarily by-pass please refer to WSSC standard           
specification Section 02510, Part 3, 3.16C.          
Q68: What type of coating is required, if any, for the fittings on the Line Stops for the water           
A68: The line stop at Owings Avenue should be polyethylene encased. See UT-01 of 22,           
General Notes.          
Q69: Plan sheet SWM -26(132 of 378) is missing. Please issue.          
A69: Plan sheet 132 (SWM-26) was previously issued as an intentionally blank sheet.           
As of Addendum No. 4, it has been replaced with a SWM General Notes sheet           
outlining the SWM Facility MD 378 Construction Specifications.           
Q70: On plan sheet SWM-03, the details for the Overflow Weir show Mix 2 Concrete. How           
is this paid?          
A70: Mix 3 Concrete for Miscellaneous Structures has been added to the cost estimate           
by addendum No. 5, Bid Item 3097. This item is to be paid according to Special           
Provision Section 305 – Miscellaneous Structures. Plan Sheet (SWM-03 of 36) has           
been revised to change Mix 2 concrete to Mix 3 concrete as part of this addendum.          
Q71: Please clarify if ED 108-1 is an A2 or a B2 Earth Dike. Plan sheet 174 shows B2 but           
plan sheet 183 shows A2.          
A71: ED 108-1 is a B2 earth dike. The plan sheet 174 (ES-108) is correct. Plan sheet           
183 (ES-208) and sheet 184 (ES-209) have been revised from type “A2” to “B2” in           
the Addendum No. 5.          
Q72: The revised structure schedule on plan sheet 155 shows 23 each of Modified K Inlets           
but Bid Item3002 has a quantity of 30 each. Please clarify.          
A72: As of Addendum No. 5, the correct quantity of Modified Type K Inlets is 18, as           
shown on the structure schedule sheet 155 (DS-02).           
Q73: How are the Topsoil Check Dams detailed on plan sheet 107, paid?          
CONTRACTOR QUESTIONS (continued)          
A73: The Topsoil Check Dams are paid for by Common Borrow, Item 2008.           
Q74: Please clarify the use of Item 3076, 150 lf of 6” Sub Drain Pipe.          
A74: The solid Sub Drain Pipe will be used for Observation Wells and Cleanouts in the           
SWM Facilities as shown on detail sheet 107 (SWM-01).           
Q75: Please verify the quantity for Item 3073, No.2 Aggregate for SWM, seems extremely           
A75: The quantity for No. 2 Aggregate is correct. The Submerged Gravel Wetlands           
required several Aggregate Windows that are 8 inch deep and up to 120’ across           
which account for the large quantity.          
Q76: On proposal pages 264 thru 266 it seems to indicate that Landscaping, construction           
and materials, as specified in Section 701, 705,708 and 709 are incidental to certain           
Guardrail items. There is no way for the Contractor to know the extent of work that           
will be required pre-bid; please make the above referenced items pay items as they are           
for the Permanent Traffic Barrier end Treatment items as described on pages 267 thru           
270. Please advise.          
A76: The Special Provision was revised in 2014 to specify the applicable landscaping           
Q77: Addendum 3 added a concrete weir detail on plan sheet SWM-03 (sheet 109). How is           
the concrete to be paid?           
A77: This item is paid under Bid Item #3097, Mix 3 Concrete for Miscellaneous           
Structures This item is to be paid according to Special Provision Section 305 –           
Miscellaneous Structures. Bid Item 3097 is added to the contract as part of this           
Q78: Plan sheet 170 of 378 NOTE: indicates that” Cost of Erosion and Sediment Control           
Original Excavation for Sediment Trap is Incidental to Class 1 Excavation for SWM           
Facility, except for excavation for Forebay and berm which will be paid for as Erosion           
and Sediment Control Original Excavation.” Please confirm that by “incidental” you           
mean that it will be paid for by the CY under the Class 1 Excavation Bid Item.           
Secondly; please provide a detail and or/or limits between the Class 1 area and the           
Forebay area to differentiate the two separate pay items. Please advise.           
CONTRACTOR QUESTIONS (continued)          
A78: The sediment trap has been designed within the same footprint as the final SWM           
facility. Therefore most excavation for the sediment trap is being considered           
incidental to the Class I excavation required for the SWM Facility, Bid Item 2003.           
Sediment control original excavation is provided for excavation beyond the SWM           
facility needs at the forebay and berm only. Also, the cost for any fill that is           
required during the conversion of the facility from sediment trap to the SWM is           
being considered incidental to the erosion and sediment control original           
excavation, Bid Item #3058. Please refer the SWM plan sheets 107 to 132 (DWG.           
SW-01 to SW-26) for details, profiles, cross-sections etc. which shows the forebay           
and SWM area to clarify the limits.          
Q79: Plan Sheet 185 of 378 Note 2 indicates to “Stabilize Roadway Pavement at the end of           
each work with a minimum of 4” of GAB.” Please provide additional guidance as to           
what is required; i.e. does this apply once roadway subgrade is reached and prepared? )           
Please advise.           
A79: The 4” of G.A.B., Bid Item 5012, is proposed as Erosion and Sediment Control           
measure for the stabilization of the work area at the end of work day. Regardless           
of work completed (i.e. whether subgrade is reached or not), the 4 inches of G.A.B           
needs to be laid at the end of each work day to stabilize the area and it is           
Contractor’s responsibility. In other words, contractor should disturb only the           
area that can be stabilized at the end of each work day with the permanent G.A.B.          
Q80: What type of finish is required for the Pipe Railing (item 6005) – Galvanized or           
Powder Coated? There is no special provision          
A80: Special Provision “SECTION 600 – PIPE RAILING” has been added as part of           
this addendum.          
Q81: In the job specs, it states that any damaged manhole frames and covers and water valve           
boxes are to be replaced. There is no pay item for this, and there are is no way to           
quantify the work involved with this. Are we to assume we will be doing these repairs           
under force account work?          
A81: Refer to revised Special Provision “SECTION 876 – WATER MAIN           
RELOCATIONS”, page 396, first paragraph, and second sentence in this           
Q82: Missing WSSC spec section 02660 and 02730 for casing pipe. Please provide.          
A82: WSSC Special Section 02660 and 02730 are obsolete, they were replace with           
Special Section 02510 and 02730 respectively.          
Q83: Addendum 4 change two runs of 18” RCP, one run of 24” RCP and one run of 14” x           
23” RCP from Class 4 pipe to ASTM C-361, Class B-25 pipe. How will this new type           
of pipe be paid? There aren’t any bid items for these types of pipe.          
CONTRACTOR QUESTIONS (continued)          
A83: As of Addendum No. 5, the estimate has been revised to provide pay item for the           
ASTM C-361, Class B-25 pipes. See Bid Item #3097, 3098, 3099, and 3100on the           
new Schedule of Prices. These items are to be paid according to Special Provision           
Section 303 – Pipe Culverts.          
Q84: Special Provisions 876 of the specifications list some bid items to be furnished and           
installed, while other items are install only. For example, Sewer Manholes are install           
only. Who is to furnish them? The 30” DIP Water Main is install only. Who is to           
furnish it? Please clarify what materials are supplied by who?          
A84: For clarification, Special Provision 876 has been revised as part of this addendum.           
Also see General Notes #4 on UT-01 of 22.          
Q85: The Special Provision for Water Main Relocations refers to “Special Detail SP-2” in           
several places which we cannot find. Please provide and/or advise where Special           
Detail SP-2 can be found.          
A85: For clarification, Special Provision 876 has been revised as part of this addendum.          
Q86: Please confirm where the steel plates paid for under item 1024 are to be used and if the           
item be used for other locations as determined by the contractor.          
A86: Steel plates are to be used per Phase 3 Stage 3, Note D (see sheet MOT-18) for the           
WSSC water main crossing MD 5. The crossings are shown on sheet MOT-21.           
Item can be used for other locations as determined by the engineer.          
Q87: Please confirm that it is your intent to open cut multiple utility lines across MD 5 as           
shown on the plans.          
A87: See Sequence of Construction Note on Drawing MOT-02, MOT-10, MOT-14, and           
Q88: Will background checks for field personnel working in the vicinity of the adjacent           
school on this project.          
A88: There are no contractual provisions expressly requiring criminal background           
checks. The contractor is required to obtain any criminal background checks that           
may be required by law.          
Q89: Are the doghouse manholes shown on the plans still permitted by WSSC?          
A89: Contractor is required to following latest WSSC Codes and Standards and plans.          
Q90: Please Confirm that the contractor will not be responsible for any onsite           
inspection/testing related to WSSC operations, other than the compaction testing           
referenced on page 396-403 if the specifications.          
CONTRACTOR QUESTIONS (continued)          
A90: Contractor is required to following WSSC Codes and Standards, Section 01450,           
UT01-22 General Notes, and Special Provision 876.          
Q91: Please confirm that all “xx-inch waterline in xx-steel casing” items should include the           
cost of the respective carrier pipe.          
A91: The bid cost of all “xx-inch waterline in xx-steel casing” should include the cost of           
the respective carrier pipe.          
Q92: Please explain the relevance of removing the valves and air release valve on the right           
side of the roundabout as shown on plan sheet UT-07.          
A92: Valve is not to be removed but abandoned in placed as per WSCC standards           
02510; and paid under Bid Item #8135 as described in the revised WSSC special           
provision provided in this addendum.          
Q93: The fuel price adjustment provision on page 119-120of the specifications only           
references category “D” for price adjustment. A sizeable component of this project is           
related to excavation, please consider adding category “A” for price adjustment.          
A93: Special Provision “TC-7.09 PRICE ADJUSTMENT FOR DIESEL FUEL” has           
been revised as part of this addendum.          
Q94: Addendum No. 4 indicated that Proposal page number 542 associated Item No. for           
Category Code No. (388135) in Addendum No. 1 from Item No. 3063 to Item 3064. It           
appears there has been no change from the initial Schedule of Prices to Addendum No.           
1 and to Addendum No. 3. Bid items look correct; please clarify if correct and what           
intend is.          
A94: Addendum No. 1 letter referred to both Category Code (388130) and (388135) as           
Item No. 3063. The intent in Addendum No. 4 letter was to correct the           
discrepancy in Addendum No. 1 letter. Bid items in the Schedule of Prices are           
correct and were not effect by the error in Addendum No. 1 letter.          
Q95: From previous Addendum; it indicated that major changes to the South parking lot           
would be made; to date we have not seen any changes; please advise.          
A95: The scope changes indicated in Addendum No. 2 has been issued as part of           
Addendum No. 5.          
Questions relating to this Addendum No. 5 may be directed in writing to:          
Mr. Jason Ridgway          
Director, Office of Highway Development          
707 North Calvert Street           
Baltimore, Maryland 21202          
ATTN: Ms. MarieFrance Guiteau          
If time is of the essence, handwritten questions may be transmitted to FAX No. 410-209-5001.           
All questions are to be addressed to Ms. MarieFrance Guiteau, and the Contractor must identify           
the source of the question and the contract number.          
Contract No.: PG1755170          
Addendum No. 5          
February 19, 2016          
Page 2